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React Fetch Post

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Sometimes people get entangled in the component lifecycle of React to get data from API, I mean which tool/library would be best to use and what is the right method in React component's lifecycle to fetch it correctly.

  1. React Fetch Post Example
  2. React Fetch Post

Song editor software for windows 7. There are many popular libraries and built-in API for fetching data in the React component. In this tutorial, I will describe some of the best that I have found on the web.

In this tutorial, I'm using Github's users API to pull data.

Table of Contents

This post is just a simple introduction of how to GET and POST data with fetch API. Feel free to explore more: You can grab the final source code with styling using w3schools CSS here on my GitHub repo, Repo Link. Don't forget to star the repo. If you'd like to learn more please visit. Mozilla fetchAPI.

How to fetch data in React using native window.fetch API

For instance, when we fetch HTTP-page from HTTPS (access less secure from more secure), then there's no Referer. The Content Security Policy may forbid sending a Referer. As we'll see, fetch has options that prevent sending the Referer and even allow to change it (within the same site). By specification, Referer is an optional HTTP-header. Many mobile apps need to load resources from a remote URL. You may want to make a POST request to a REST API, or you may need to fetch a chunk of static content from another server. React Native provides the Fetch API for your networking needs. Fetch will seem familiar if you have used XMLHttpRequest or other. Fetch with Post method in React-Native. JavaScript post request like a form submit. Abort Ajax requests using jQuery.

Then initialize the React lifecycle method componentDidMount to call fetch request.

Now, this.state.users has users data array, render it into DOM.

If you want to use the native fetch API in your App, I recommend using cross-fetch as a polyfill because some old browser/JS engine doesn't fully support fetch.

How to fetch data in React using Axios HTTP client

Axios is another popular option which you can use to make HTTP requests in React Component. Axios is Promise-based and works for both client (Browser) and server (Node) so you don't need to worry about, whether you hit a request from the server or in your browser.

Amazing 2 9 7 9. Axios is a third-party tool and you have to install it first from npm or yarn to use.

Gta sa mega download. Then initialize componentDidMount lifecycle method of React to trigger axios request

React fetch post example

You can create a new instance of axios with a custom config as I created below.

How to fetch data in React using async/await

If you used JavaScript Promises before in your code then it will more easy for you to understand async/await.
It's a special syntax to work with asynchronous requests in a more comfortable way. From async/await you can fetch data inside a React Component from API in a more precise way.

To use, you must include the async keyword before the function keyword. async word before function means that a function will always return a promise and await makes JavaScript wait until promise settled and return its results.

In the example below, I am going to use it along with axios to pull data.

How to Fetch data using React Hooks

In version 16.8.0 React added some new function called React Hooks. Hooks allow you to use state and other React features without writing a class.

What is Hook?

Hooks are functions that let you 'hook into' React state and lifecycle features from function components. Hooks don't work inside classes, they let you use React without classes.
React provides some built-in Hooks like useState, useEffect, useContext, or either you can build your own custom hooks with 'use' prefix.

In the example below, I am using useState and useEffect hook to pull data and render it into DOM.

Then render users data array into DOM using return


Above, I have covered some popular tools and tactics to fetching data in React. You can either use native class component or modern React hooks (added in version 16.8.0), it's up to you.

React Fetch Post Example

Learn, how to make a post request in react hooks using fetch API.

Making a post request in React hooks

This below example sends an http post request to the json placeholder api using fetch where useState() hook is used to store the user entered data.

In the above code, we first imported useState() hook from the react then we initialized a state inside the App component which are title, body.

The onTitleChange() and onBodyChange() functions are used to set the user entered data to title and body properties.

React Fetch Post

If we click on a Create Post button it will call the handleSubmit() function, which sends a post request to the api.

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